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Outings & Trips



The Montclair Bird Club conducts a full program of field excursions, including both trips with a designated leader and "meet-up" outings arranged to take advantage of seasonal happenings at local hotspots. All of our activities are open to all members, friends, and visitors. For further information, please make contact with the listed leader or write to Beni at

All participants are required to read and abide by our

Field Trips Policy.  

For more information about any of our trips and outings, email


Garret Mountain birders.jpeg

Garret Mountain Reservation

Join Fred Pfeifer each Wednesday morning at 8:00 for a walk around Garret Mountain Reservation or another nearby park to enjoy the avian treasures of the season. Text or call Fred at 973 809-7674 to register and to find out the meeting location.

A birder’s meet-up

Meet at 2:00 pm in parking lot 3 on Morris Pesin Drive, at the south end of the park near the East Jetty (C on the map). The best access is from Exit 14B of the NJ Turnpike Extension. A park map is here.

We will walk the paved Hudson River Walkway past Caven Point, about a mile each way. Expected birds include bufflehead, hooded and red-breasted mergansers, green-winged teal, American black duck, mallard, double-crested and perhaps great cormorants, brant, and early migrants. Scopes will be helpful.

Restrooms are available at the park office.


We will bird for about 2-1/2 hours, after which those who are interested can meet for an early dinner at Zeppelin Hall Beer Garden, featuring a wide selection of European and American beers and German sausages and American barbecue.


For more information and to confirm your attendance, please text or call Bill Beren at 862 283-8754.

Upcoming Events

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