A birder’s meet-up, in conjunction with Leaderless Walks.
Meet at 10:30 am in the Barnegat Lighthouse State Park parking lot. Some of us may want to go earlier; contact Beni for more information.
Barnegat Lighthouse State Park is located at the northernmost tip of Long Beach Island in Ocean County, New Jersey. We will walk the jetty and beach looking for wintering waterfowl such as brant, harlequin duck, common eider, and long-tailed duck, as well as some less common gulls and wintering purple sandpipers and ruddy turnstones. Scanning the water, we hope to find grebes and loons and, if we’re lucky, an alcid or two. Passerines to be on the lookout for include Savannah sparrows and horned larks. Once we’ve had our fill of the jetty and beach, if time allows, we can drive around the bay area to check some additional locations.
Dress warm! Bring binoculars, a scope if you have one, snacks, a warm drink, and a packed lunch.
Directions: Take the Garden State Parkway south to Exit 63 and proceed east on Route 72 for 7 miles. After crossing the bridge to Long Beach Island, make a left onto Long Beach Blvd. Follow this road for about 8 miles to the state park, at the northern end of the island.
Writ mbcoutings@gmail.com for more information.